Beth Robertson


Data Analyst | Problem Solver

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My Projects

Hospital ER Analysis (Excel)


Project description

Recently, I attended an Excel project development session with Chris French. We created a dashboard related to data from a hospital emergency room.

I learned so much about creating a dashboard in Excel!! Below you will find my project and some of the learnings I picked up along the way.

And here is the link to my LinkedIn article about the project.

Project description

Analysis of Mining Data (Python)

Project description

For this project, I was assigned the role of a data analyst for a mining company. The company wants some information about their flotation process for beneficiation (cleaning and separation) of the iron ore.

NBA 2022-23 Analysis (Tableau)

Project description

I used 2022-23 data from to take a look at some of the NBA leaders’ stats.

Hospital Data Analysis (SQL)

Project description

This analysis is from a dataset used in a study conducted in 2014 of 70,000 clinical database records.

Several different department administrators at the hospital want insights into specific parts of the data. I used MySQL to access, clean, and analyze the data.

World Bank Loans and Grants (SQL)

Project description

I was asked to look at data from the World Bank International Development Association (IDA) grants and loans program. This dataset contains historical information about loans and grants given by the IDA, including region of the world, country, purpose of the loan/grant, original amount given, the service charge rate, payments, and the amount still due. The dataset is live and is updated frequently. The data I used was from 2023-11-29.

“New” House Electricity Project (Python/Excel)

Project description

Our son lives on a small property on the west side of Elgin, IL. At the beginning of August, he received the electricity bill for July. It was almost $400! We were fairly shocked! We live in Houston, TX and it was a blazing-hot summer here. N’s house is 2100 sq. ft. and ours is 2800 sq. ft. Our July bill was nowhere near $400. So I decided to analyze the data to see why his bill was so much higher than ours.

New Product Marketing Analysis (Python)

In this project, I analyzed marketing data for a new product line to help the company decide which marketing methods were most effective. This PowerPoint presentation was part of the capstone project for my Professional Data Analyst certification from DataCamp.

Food Delivery Analysis (Excel)

image credit:

My analysis of data from a food delivery service, much like DoorDash.

Massachusetts Public Schools Project (Tableau)

In this case study from Data Analytics Accelerator, I was prompted to analyze the State of Massachusetts education data. The main questions were: